Monday, September 29, 2014

Bidets: Really? Yes, Really!

When in know what they say to do, right?  Well what the heck do the Romans do with a bidet?  It's not your classic bathroom appliance in our country, and yet it's everywhere you look in Europe.  Rome is no different, and our trusty bidet was there for our use...whatever that is.

I know there's a personal cleansing function, and though my momma never got around to teaching me, I think I've pretty much figured it out...kind of like sex.

I have to say, that we found quite a few ways to use our bidet.  My aching feet were soaked in it's cooling waters a number of times during the week.  Perfecto!

Paul found yet another creative use of the bidet's basin, and here you see him doing his first week's laundry in preparation for the next leg of our journey to Tuscany.

It also was very helpful for shaving legs.  When your shower is only about 2 feet wide, it's kind of hard to find enough room to bend over to take care of business.  One of my trip participants laughed and put it this way," The parts that needed it the most were the hardest to get to!"

We are heading for Tuscany and looking forward to the beginning of our Artfully Tasteful Tour of Tuscany.  Enjoy these photos of Rome, and I'll see you next in Tuscany!

Vatican's Swiss guards on duty

Colosseum in the midst of the city

The dome of the Pantheon and the monument to Italy's Independence in the background...fondly referred to by Romans as "The Wedding Cake".  

A beautiful villa across a footbridge over the Tiber River

Rebecca Zdybel
Artist, Instructor, Art-Travel Instructor
Art Lessons in all media
Myrtle Beach, SC

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Rebecca Zdybel is an artist and instructor in Myrtle Beach, SC.  Follow her and see her work at

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